How to Speak Your Mind: Become Assertive and Set Limits

$ 5.95

Product Description

Can you say no? Do you say what you think, express how you feel, and ask for what you want? How you speak immediately conveys your self-esteem. Whether in parenting, in a relationship, or in business, assertive communication enhances your effectiveness, confidence, and personal and professional success. Conflict is a big source of stress. You’ll learn new techniques for standing up to abuse and managing conflict and communication problems. Being assertive and setting boundaries and limits actually reduce stress and build self-esteem, while benefiting your career, relationships, and sense of well-being.

How to Speak Your Mind is an assertiveness training handbook that explains what it means to be assertive and how to achieve it. It details all of the elements of assertive and nonverbal communication. The steps to become assertive are laid out, as well as common mistakes to avoid.

Once you learn assertiveness, you’re ready to set boundaries with people. You’ll understand the meaning of limits and how to determine your bottom line. You’ll be able to verbalize your boundaries and know the secret to making them effective.

See also the companion an audio-visual version that also includes role-play exercises, get How to Be Assertive.

Read Amazon reviews here.


  1. lucja

    Very helpful, discerning and thought -provoking. Invaluable insights and tips for anyone who struggles with low self- worth issues.

  2. Rachel

    I have found your website incredibly helpful – thank you very much.
    Please could you email me ‘A Checklist for Narcissicm’ – thank you so much.

  3. Traveler

    A Concise Easy to Read Guide March 6, 2013
    I found this little e-book to be extremely helpful. The author laid out, step-by-step, simple guidelines for speaking directly and simply in conversation and interaction. She goes over why we don’t express our feelings and thoughts concisely or directly, then lays out a simple program for change: first spend time observing ourselves, our interactions, when we don’t speak our truth. Write these interactions down, then practice. She gives guidelines for practice in concise terms. Very helpful for better communication in work and intimate relationships.

  4. Andashiki Hillard

    I’m hoping this will help my situation

    • Darlene Lancer, LMFT

      It takes doing the exercises and practice over time.

  5. Dan

    A very clear and easy to understand guide to understanding how to communicate and set boundaries for yourself. This short read skips the fluff of many other self help books and gets to the point. This is a must read guide for anyone who has struggled with authentic communication or is working through a history of codependency. Follow the manageable steps to being assertive with your communication and setting limits on how others treat you. Eye opening.

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